Thursday, January 16, 2025


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Here now.

Posts will appear on both sites for a while before switching over entirely to Patreon.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Soon It Will Be Midnite, In New York

They say it's always darkest before the dawn. When you operate in the liminal spaces and in Interzone, you see a lot of strange shit. Well let me tell you brother/sister, what we've seen as of late takes the fucking cake.

The station got a call from control, recommending we shut down operations for a while. Benway's pissed. Tommy Hawke's pissed. Marissa and Clem are less pissed, but they realize why control send the kill suggestion. Joshua Tower saw it coming, but he's a systems guy and pretty good at seeing the future. Jane and Lady K are making contingency plans. The writer doesn't know what to think, which is even more disturbing.

It's a memetic issue, and while I2 normally handles memetic operations just fine, it seems that something hit the normie populace in such a manner that control is thinking about using a Metcalfe Trigger. Yeah, it's that bad. Tower and Benway are dusting off the pre-Gates era and X.25 stuff. Control thinks Gopher and other lo-tek ops might fare OK for internal use only.

Consider yourself warned.


T decided to finally leave the public sphere. Can't say I blame him, with all the shit he's been through. He was one of the original plank owners here, and our nominal publisher.

The reader may successfully infer that T accepted a transfer from public affairs to NOYFB. Expect things.


That fucking POS M.E. decided to pirate T's stuff and sell it as his own. The committee has decided. M.E., any talent you may have had has been withdrawn. May you wind up like Alex Jones, and end in the mediocrity you deserve. So mote it be!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Words of Wisdom

 The words of the prophets are written on the bathroom walls, in the stalls.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Agent Skippy

Today is the first anniversary of Agent Skippy going off to the Next Great Adventure.

66 was too soon dude. Still miss your presence at Interzone.
