They say it's always darkest before the dawn. When you operate in the liminal spaces and in Interzone, you see a lot of strange shit. Well let me tell you brother/sister, what we've seen as of late takes the fucking cake.
The station got a call from control, recommending we shut down operations for a while. Benway's pissed. Tommy Hawke's pissed. Marissa and Clem are less pissed, but they realize why control send the kill suggestion. Joshua Tower saw it coming, but he's a systems guy and pretty good at seeing the future. Jane and Lady K are making contingency plans. The writer doesn't know what to think, which is even more disturbing.
It's a memetic issue, and while I2 normally handles memetic operations just fine, it seems that something hit the normie populace in such a manner that control is thinking about using a Metcalfe Trigger. Yeah, it's that bad. Tower and Benway are dusting off the pre-Gates era and X.25 stuff. Control thinks Gopher and other lo-tek ops might fare OK for internal use only.
Consider yourself warned.